Slartboz: Insanely Low Stats & Engagement Here

any day now I'll be able to retire to my own private Carrib isle

still in shock at the microscopic response my video a few days ago got. one with The Gigantic Goliath Tank With Lazers Slaughtering A Massive Zombie Herd in Future Ruins of Normerika 2101 CE

cuz obvs thats a VERY boring idea & topic for a video. who would want to see that or PLAY a game like that? I MUST be insane. duh!

nothing about socmedia makes sense, in general. but on this rule holds doubly so. based on the evidence of the last few months I've kept a presence active here for my game Slartboz.

demo-ing tons of work, care & passion?


no donations or Patreon signups from here. we get about 1 Like click every few months. over last 3 or 4 months on this site we've gotten a grand total of 0 comments. not just NO praise comments. but NO comments of any kindt

the game desc never matters. the videos up never matters. screenshots never matter. features dont matter. topics dont matter. day and time do not matter. release plans dont matter. 

stats here have been small AT BEST. fake/bots/suspicious at worst. and *always* always always always unpredictable. NOTHING here makes any sense!

If you are a small/indie game dev shop I recommend you run not walk away from this site as a portal for your game. will save you tons of promotional effort that will yield 0 ROI, and lots of kicks to the groin


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Go to Steam and compare both platforms. That would be an interesting experiment. To see why thing work there and why not here.


good advice. I might list on Steam eventually. I'm a solo indie dev and trying to keep my out of pocket spend as close to zero as possible until/unless I get a strong enough signal of public appoval. Itch overall has been signalling my game is shit and my idea and plan is shit. so been hesitant to toss cash at Steam. already down hundreds of hours in unpaid labor

agree they are diff sites. I assume Steam gets an order of magnitude plus in traffic than Itch. for a planet with 8 billion humans, perhaps 100M video gamers the view counts here on Itch have been abysmally bad. actual engagement or even basic feedback has been near total silence. I've had to make a big complaint post and post-mortem to even tease you out of the woodwork. 99.9999% cant be bothered to do anything

appreciate you jumping in! mentally I am "done" here however