Slartboz Project Links

I want to make sure anyone who cares has the links to the rest of the Slartboz game's presence online. Why? Overall, the results I've seen from my time investment to date have been AWFUL. So I might stop coming back here in the future. *If* that happens, if I quietly abandon this profile, I want to make sure that those who care can reach the game's other links. To be clear, I'd consider the Mastodon and GitHub URLs below to be the best places to watch overall, going forward

GitHub - full project details & links to everything!

Mastodon - announcements & chat!

YouTube - play screencast video clips!

Reddit - redditing?

Patreon - support our further dev at a mere $1/mo!

If you do like Slartboz vision and pitch the best way to demonstrate it is to toss cash at me. either via Patreon or CashApp. The US alone  is a rich country and I know lots of folks have at least a few discretionary bucks avail each month. We're aiming to reach a 1000 True Fans model. If Slartboz is to ever become sustainable. Meaning either 1k fans tossing a single buck at us each month, or, a smaller number of folks but tossing larger amounts -- however it adds up. I'm passionate about Slartboz but its hard work making it, and at some point must look at the bottom line.

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