Slartboz: NEW PLAY VIDEO: The Dork Fortress, The Mad AI (Quite Mad, Really), The Gigantic Grussian Goliath Mark VI Cybernetic Main Battle Tank, Sicked on A Massive Zombie Herd, in The Wastelands of Normerika 2100 CE

about 11 minutes of Orwellian dystopic HAL9000 / Marvin The Paranoid Android type wackiness and brutal, violent, frenetic mayhem & mass carnage by a futuristic, sci-fi kaiju, ("Kaiju? Gesundheit!!!") however... it does lack pancakes!

So, theres that.

Btw this is the 2nd clip of a 2 part pair. If you like it then maybe go watch the 1st part too. I already shared its link in the prior DevLog, and you can find it in my YouTube channel too. The 1st part clip gives an Intro to the project, overview of goals, and gives a walkthru guide to the UI.

One last minor point: due to the 99.99999999% "crickets chirping" levels of views, engagement or any sort of even the slightest of non-praise on this site -- going back almost 4 months now?! -- I am extremely close to giving up on entirely. Therefore, if ***you*** like Slartboz and want me to develop it further, demonstrate that fact to me, in some way. If you want Slartboz to keep investing time here, for y'alls jolliez, then again, demonstrate that fact to me. Signal it in some way.

Otherwise, Slartboz will be "hasta la vista" from, and good riddance. nof kidding

anyway, enjoy the video! or not! either way, give a fellow some goddamn fucking feedback. whoever you "viewers" here are. 8-|



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