Slartboz: Added Sample List of Event Types & Dilemmas to Game Page

added this to the Slartboz main game page:

Event Types & Dilemmas (a sample list)
* travelling on expedition and by chance you come across a hidden entrance to an underground bunker from The Before Times. do you pass it by? mark it and plan to revisit later? try to enter it then & explore? evaluate it as a new possible home or outpost? loot it? kill, kidnap or enslave its residents (if any)? recruit them? help them? join them?
* a previously well-liked NPC in your expedition party commits a foul deed (like theft, sabotage, murder or cannibalism) -- how do you treat them? exile? disarm them? bind/cuff them? jail? whip? execute? berate? wag finger? sell them off as a slave? what signal do you wish to send to rest of party or to your larger community? what is impact on morale & trust?
* during the expedition your party encounters a much stronger force (eg. an armed rival band), that you're unlikely to defeat -- what do you do? flee? surrender? request to parlay? try to recruit them? suggest a merge or temporary alliance? initiate attack? taunt them? adapt defensive positions? send out a help request over remote comms? wait and see?

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