Slartboz: Secrets & Conspiracies Sample List Added

Revised the Slartboz main game page to add a sample list about Secrets & Conspiracies:

* each member of the LL secretly belongs to one or more other clubs/employers/conspiracies, including the PC/avatar (Abro.) (eg. Fredd secretly belongs to the SSS; Jim to the NAAP; Bonk is in the Bunny Protectors -- no, don't ask)

* before departing on the Tank Search expedition, each LL member is given a secret assignment by their respective secretly-affiliated group

* assignment types: sabotage equip, set traps for fellow members, steal secretly, backstab, literally; (eg.Truok secretly works under a remote, results-only contract for the BBBPPPDDDDEEEIII and his assignment is to study The Tank's weapon designs and ideally steal parts to return to them so they can analyze its tech and upgrade their own products based on those insights)

* secrecy is important but hard to maintain perfectly all the time, slip ups happen; eg. a telltale sign some NPC is in the NAAP, would be if they say things like "All Lives Matter" -- which is DEEPLY offensive to some groups. Especially the ASC, who will lift up a cross shape with their fingers as if warding off an ancient Anti-DEI Demon or Devil from The Before Times, and yell, "Slartophobe!!!!!". The ASC runs Slartophobe Prison (officially named Sally Mary's Warm and Loving Home For Friends In Need -- in honor, ostensibly, of some old pre-Dystopia, genuine US civil rights heroine named Sally Mary -- who herself would be disgusted by the future ASC) where all unilaterally declared Offenders are kept against their will, if the ASC can devise a justifiable enough of an excuse to the victim/criminal's family, friends, coworkers and fans/idolators


ps. my favorite part of writing the above part of the Slartboz game design was coming up with "Sally Mary's Warm and Loving Home For Friends In Need" as the official public-facing name for an utterly dystopic prison hellhole.

*"There you go using that word again. I don't think it means what *you* think it means."*

-- The Dread Pirate Roberts

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