Slartboz: Does Abro Go or Stay?

A design sketch of an early decision the PC faces, and its consequences.


Do you agree to embark on the Tank Search Expedition?
- [Y] yes
- [N] no

[entered N]

You choose to stay behind. Your friends leave without you. They never come back. You grow old and die alone in the village, outliving even Fern, your beloved wife. Due to trace radiation and toxic chemicals in the environment you were unable to conceive, and thus leave behind no children. A few decades after your own passing the village Pell is abandoned to ruins. Only you-and-Fern's teenage "going steady" inscription on the Lover's Rock remains. It lasts for millenia, even as humanity itself dies out and the Earth returns to the animals.

... or instead ...

[entered Y]

You agree to go on the expedition.
Bonk makes a pumping fist gesture. "Hooyah!!! Thats my lizard!"

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