Slartboz: Cyborg Vampire Showdown

Here's the design sketch for a key event, set during a final showdown with a powerful evil monster which had been stalking the Laser Lizards expedition...

A cyborg vampire crouches down onto all fours before you. Panting and drooling as if tired of the hunt, but driven mad by hunger.
    Even bent over, the demonic predator is so big he comes up to your shoulder. This alone is a bad sign.
    He opens his comically-large mouth, extends his too-long, prehensile, yellow tongue (as if to taste the air between you), and then lastly his long black fangs extend down, surely dripping neuro-toxins. He is clearly this sick world's embodiment of endless suffering and Doom. A creature of a night never-ending.
    The rest of your party has been immobilized: either drugged asleep or hypnotically entranced. You stand alone.
   What do you do?
    - [S] shoot him with your laser pistol (and hope it works!) (aka The "What Would Indiana Jones Do?" Solution)
    - [C] hold up the little black cube so he can see it. perhaps it may act as a Holy Ward. or at least a confusing distraction to buy more time
    - [U] utter the words, "Your evil has no place here. Go away now, Foul Thing, if you know whats good for you."
    - [B] say, "Oh its real now, byotch!" and whip out your little black police baton, all menacingly-like.
    - [R] turn and run away, leaving your friends behind, and defenseless
    - [W] wait and see what happens next, doing nothing. perhaps one last, better opportunity to change your fate may present itself

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