Slartboz: A Big Game Inspiration: Infocom's HHGG

Slartboz has many inspirations and influences, from games, books, film and even music.

One of the bigger influences and impacts on my game/world design is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. In all its forms and adaptations. (aka HHGG)

Especially in its 1980s "IF" computer game form, HHGG by Infocom:

If you've never played it you owe yourself to do so. But first read the books! Trust me.

And if after all that you're like OMGBBQPONIESBACONRAINBOWS then please keep an eye out for Slartboz. Follow us as a fan here, click Likes, slather us with blush-inducing praise and perhaps even toss a handful of filthy US cash dollars at us in the form of bribes -- er I mean -- donations to support development.

I believe its what Arthur Dent would want. That and a cup of hot tea followed by a good long nap...

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