Slartboz: Abro, Traneese and Ambition

Abro didn't seem to understand what The Oldster (Traneese) had been telling him. 

Many in the village Pell considered the latter likely to be insane. He was clearly NonConformant to all the local reigning Rule System Paradigms, and the two traits (both insanity and non-conformity) were often observed to go together. (Also, with genius. But per then-reigning local Laah it was Forbidden to include a 3rd thing in any previously declared set of only 2 things. One of the few *reasonable* rules left, in the private opinion of Traneese, however bemused.)  

The Oldster turned around, his eyes clearly lit up with passion, and told his young inquisitor:  

"Abro, my young fren, I'm hoping to reach a level of consistently *net-negative* work accomplished all day, and ideally without getting out of bed!" 

He paused as if to consider making an additional point, while he had the busy young man's attention -- and ideally before some fresh new giant mutant horror emerged from the desert wasteland around them, hungry both for human flesh and the final destruction of civilizaton. And yet... he felt "no pressure," he would swear, at least in the secret privacy of his own mind. And then said: 

"Even waking up may be a mistake and a source of terrible inefficiency and shameful ambition, in the longterm." 

Traneese grinned wildly, but refused to say anything else. Eventually Abro left his tent and returned to his club's little camp, The Laser Lizards.

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