Slartboz: New Screenshots Up, Bumping Video Debut

BUMPING the target date for our 1st demo video from Monday July 31 out to Friday August 11th. A bump of a tad under 2 weeks. This buys me more time to add more Beefiness and more Fun and yet more polish *before* folks get their first peek into the live interactive gameplay UX. (A screencast clip of me playing it on my Mac. Perhaps with a running voice-over narration by me as it goes along. "Die, bad thing, die!!!") 

Honestly I've given yall plenty of previews of what to expect. And if anything, frankly, might have said TOO MUCH, too early. But also, I did keep a lot held back. As cards hidden up my sleeve. Been coy. Kept some things Top Sekret. because that too is Fun. And I promise I dont store any of my own ostensibly Top Sekret documents in a resort bathroom, Donald. (*cough*)

also, added 3 screenshots to the Slartboz gallery here. And changed the profile image icon to something new. A zoomed-in view of a so-called "medium-resolution Beliefs map" of Normerika, circa the year 2100 CE.

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