Slartboz: 3rd Video Plans & Call for Donations

The 2nd video was fun to make, and glad to have it out there. Several people have told me they loved it, and are now among the small but Totally Elite (TM) group of Slartboz fans. (The Frens of Slartboz?)

I am working now towards a 3rd video. the current build is already more polished than what got recorded on Saturday morning. woohoo!

rough outline/goals for it:

   * fix a few bugs I spotted (DONE)

    * upgrade the TeamCommand/utterance subsystem and its UI to be easier and more intuitive. (DONE)

    * show more parts of Pell and Normerika

    * demonstrate 1-4 new major game Features or Scenes, like:

        Witness Me

        The Birds


        The Strangest Things

        Mowing Them Down

those are internal names from my design notes. I coin project-specific terms for things so I can organize and prioritize them better, and all via written notes in plain text files

vim FTW!

Oh also... added a small tribute/shoutout to vim's creator, Bram Moolenaar, to the game. Sadly he passed this last week, on August 3rd. I also wrote a Substack blog post about it and submitted that to Hacker News. I had akways wanted to meet him and now that opportunity is lost. I am very grateful for the wonderful program he built and shared with the world. Fits my own style and probably helped to shape it.

Speaking of appreciation and support, if you read this and would like to support further development of the game, and really encourage me to continue spending so much time, energy, care, focus, creativity and persistence on it, I would be very greatful if you toss a few bucks at me :-)

I'm setup for that on CashApp. To send me USD via CashApp, heres the account to send it to:$mk2022akmar/


-- Mike. aka "Mr. Slartboz" to yu

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